If You Write it, Will They Come?

Happy to share my first post on the Lightbox Collaborative blog.

This post picks up where all the posts extolling the virtues of storytelling end. As communicators, we can sometimes become so enamored by what we are writing and the stories we are telling, that we believe people will naturally want to read it. Sadly, our audiences have other things to do and are bombarded with so much information on a daily basis, that finding our stories can be like finding a needle in the proverbial haystack.

That’s why content marketing is so important. We can’t assume our audiences will come to our content we need to find ways to take it to them.

Check out the full article on the  Lightbox Collaborative blog.

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Syndicating Content

I recently had the pleasure of writing Sharing Your Content Through Syndication with my friend and mentor, Diane Lofgren. It was published on PR News earlier this month.

In the process, we had a great conversation with Tomas Kellner from GE Reports. It was fascinating to learn more about the brand journalism strategy at GE and I appreciated the simplicity of his guidance: “I find and report many of the great stories that are inside the company and that really deserve to be told to a wide audience in our online magazine, and then syndicate the stories via Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest and even SnapChat.”


Check out the full article: Sharing Your Content Through Syndication  on PR News.

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Content Marketing: More than a Buzzword

Content marketing has become a popular buzzword. While it may seem like a new and trendy concept, in reality, the practice of content marketing is the application of traditional communications and storytelling strategies.

The Content Marketing Institute defines it as “a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience — with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

Technology and the proliferation of digital media options are changing the way people consume information. Opportunities for communicators to tell stories about the brands they represent abound. The effective application of content marketing techniques can improve search results, word of mouth, and earned media placements.

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